In his recent blog post, Lawrence Haddad, Director of Institute of Development Studies (IDS), noted that IDS opened the reading lists for their Master’s courses. Going through the content, I picked up some useful materials for poverty analysis. So I simply list them below for your reference.
1. Reading Lists for IDS Master’s Courses
It looks like the reading lists will be updated as the courses go. Giving a quick look, the list leads us to the latest literature on poverty.
2. World Bank Institute (2005) Introduction to Poverty Analysis
This is an old book but provides a good guideline for poverty analysts.
3. Asian Development Bank (2007) Poverty Handbook
This is also a guideline of ADB on poverty analysis.
4. Ivan Gachet (Web) STATA for Poverty Analysis
I reached at this website and get the above materials and find some more useful links on the web.