Doctor shortage, poor infrastructure, long wait times (especially for women), high diagnostic costs and extensive travel for treatment…all of these results in avoidable deaths and high mortality rate in rural India. According to the Lancet (2015), more than 2,000 primary health centers in India were operated without a doctor and more than 5,000 have no pharmacist.
What can the Philippines do to Accelerate Nutrition Improvement?
The Philippine launch of the GNR, brilliantly organized by the Government of the Philippines and UNICEF, was timely.
What is Your Country’s Nutrition Profile?
We have finally completed the rather mammoth task of updating all 193 nutrition country profiles for the latest version of the Global Nutrition Report.
Five Resolutions for 2016
I’m not great at keeping New Year’s Resolutions, but maybe blogging about them will help me stick to them. Here they are.
Investing in Nutrition to Break the Cycle of Boom and Bust in Zambia’s Economy
Zambia’s economy is in a tailspin right now. The world price of copper is low and China’s economic growth –which powers so much of the investment in Zambia–is slowing down.
SLAN-ted: Has Malnutrition Flipped in Latin America?
The SLAN nutrition conference ended last week. It brings together all the Latin American nutrition societies and is a big deal for the continent and globally.
WASH and Nutrition: Opportunities and Challenges from Farm to Faeces
Yesterday I was invited to the first WASH-Nutrition Forum. The organisers, the German WASH Network, set it up with half of the participants from the WASH community…
Bangladesh Can Become a Beacon for Rapid Malnutrition Reduction – If It Chooses To
One of the welcome pieces of news from the 2015 Global Nutrition Report is that Bangladesh, a country with one of the highest undernutrition burdens in the world, is on course to meet global targets for stunting reduction.
Ebola and the Changing Environment in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a country endowed with mineral resources but the amount of revenue that has been generated from the sector has been quite low.
Dietitians for Global Nutrition!
The Forum was organized by the US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians and the International Confederations of Dietetic Associations.