Cambodia is now on the track to the promising future. But many people are still struggling with chronic poverty or risks to fall into poverty.
Chronic Poverty
Just Give Money to the Poor
The impact and necessity of cash transfer programmes has almost become a common sense.
The Role of a National Social Protection Strategy in Augmenting Human Capital through Promoting Education, Reducing Child Labour and Eliminating its Worst Forms
Coming on the heels of the food price crisis in 2008, the Royal Government of Cambodia and Development Partners realize that despite double‐digit growth between 2004 and 2007, many Cambodians still face serious forms of vulnerabilities.
Poverty and Climate Change in Cambodia
We are supposed to welcome the dry season here in Phnom Penh. But now you see it has been raining all days recently.
Poverty in Cambodia
What does poverty mean in Cambodia? This is the simplest but the most difficult question to answer. Some people say, ‘Less money defines poverty’. Others say, ‘Lack of access to basic needs and services for human life defines poverty’.
Social Protection and Chronic Poverty in Cambodia: What types of Social Protection interventions reduce chronic poverty?
This dissertation aims to consider the potential of Social Protection interventions against chronic poverty in Cambodia. Through an asset-based approach in order to identify the chronic poor and their major coping strategies against common shocks, this study attempts to suggest an effective social protection framework for the reduction of chronic poverty in the county.