Yesterday, IDS-JICA-AFD held a joint book launch in Paris. Unfortunately, I could not attend the lively discussion but Lawrence Haddad, one of the co-editor of the book, summarises it on his website. Some of the key topics seem to include: Do we need growth? Role of governments, business and politics? Measure of quality? For more detail, see his website.
The full book contents will likely be available online in early February.
There are some more discussions and comments on the launch on Twitter as follows.
What is economic growth good for? New book. http://t.co/0yqI2P0BoD #IDS_UK #JICA #AFD_FRANCE pic.twitter.com/noHrQhp41u
— Lawrence Haddad (@l_haddad) January 27, 2015
Growth – as we know it – cannot tackle world #poverty – Richard Bluhm presents #qualitygrowth chapter Poor Trends https://t.co/zoQEewNG8U — IDS UK (@IDS_UK) January 26, 2015
Is economic growth the right metric? Growth outcomes as imp. as quantity http://t.co/H1mWuWC9UN @breenspeak @TheEconomist #wef15 @DFID_UK
— David Walker (@D_Wlkr) January 27, 2015
Michel Aglietta @Cirad – we must address business incentives inc a fundamental transformation in governance & accountability #qualitygrowth — IDS UK (@IDS_UK) January 26, 2015
Does #GNP per capita need replacing? YES! @l_haddad speaking at launch of #qualitygrowth book @AFD_France today https://t.co/zoQEewNG8U
— IDS UK (@IDS_UK) January 26, 2015
Business as usual not an option: earlier, @mleach_ids outlined 3 considerations for rethinking growth https://t.co/6EdVDVX366 #qualitygrowth — IDS UK (@IDS_UK) January 26, 2015
You can freely download the introductory chapter of #qualitygrowth book here https://t.co/zoQEewNG8U (2/2)
— IDS UK (@IDS_UK) January 26, 2015