1. Institute
Development Pathways
2. Programme
Social Protection Library
3. Course
Social Protection Library
4. Reading List
Session 1: Overview of Social Transfers
- ILO. 2014. World Social Protection Report 2014/2015: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development and Social Justice.
- DFID. 2011. Cash Transfers Evidence Paper.
- Cook, S. and N. Kabeer. 2009. Socio-economic security over the life course: A global review of social protection.
- UNDP/ILO. 2011. Sharing Innovative Experiences: Successful Social Protection Floor Experiences.
- Samson, M. et al. 2011. Designing and Implementing Social Transfer Programmes: A Policy Manual.
- Freeland, N. and C. Cherrier. 2012. Social transfers in the fight against hunger: A resource for development practitioners.
- Grosh, M. 2008. For Protection and Promotion: The design and implementation of effective safety nets.
- HLPE. 2012. Social protection for food security.
- Bachelet, M. 2011. Social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization.
Session 2: Targeting
- Kidd, S. 2013. Rethinking ‘Targeting’ in International Development.
- Kidd, S. and E. Wylde. 2011. Targeting the Poorest: An assessment of the proxy means test methodology.
- Samson, M. et al. 2010. Targeting social transfer instruments.
- Kidd, S. et al. 2011. Assessing targeting options for Nepal’s social grants: what does the evidence tell us?
- Coady, D., M. Grosh and J. Hoddinott. 2004. Targeting of Transfers in Developing Countries: Review of Lessons and Experiences.
Session 3: Conditions
- Bastagli, F. 2009. From Social Safety Net to Social Policy? The role of Conditional Cash Transfers in Welfare State Development in Latin America.
- Samson, M. 2010. Designing conditional cash transfer schemes.
- Kidd, S. and R. Calder. 2011. Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: Their relevance for Nepal.
- Schüring, E. 2010. Conditions, Conditionality, Conditionalities, Responsibilities – Finding Common Ground.
- Fiszbein A., and N. Schady. 2009. Conditional Cash Transfers: Reducing Present and Future Poverty.
- Standing, G. 2011. Behavioural Conditionality: Why nudges must be stopped- an opinion piece.
Session 4: Political Economy
- Mkandawire, T. 2005. Targeting and Universalism in Poverty Reduction.
- Pritchett, L. 2005. A Lecture on the Political Economy of Targeted Safety Nets.
- Sen, A. 1995. The Political Economy of Targeting. in Public spending and the poor: theory and evidence.
Session 5: Public Works Programmes
- McCord, A. 2005. Win-win or Lose? An Examination of the Use of Public Works as a Social Protection Instrument in Situations of Chronic Poverty.
- McCord, A. 2008. Recognising Heterogeneity: A Proposed Typology for Public Works Programmes.
- McCord, A. and J. Farrington. 2008. Digging holes and filling them again? How far do public works enhance livelihoods?
- Subbarao, K. 2003. Systemic Shocks and Social Protection: Role and Effectiveness of Public Works Programs.
Session 6: Ageing and Non-Contributory Pensions
- Kidd, S. 2009. Equal Pensions, Equal Rights: Achieving Universal Pension Coverage for Old Women and Men in Developing Countries. in Gender & Development.
- Palacios, R. and O. Sluchynsky. 2006. Social Pensions Part I: Their Role in the Overall Pension System.
- Sepulveda, M. 2010. The question of human rights and extreme poverty.
- Willmore, L. 2006. Universal Pensions for Developing Countries.
- Holzman, R. et al. 2009. Closing the Coverage Gap: The role of social pensions and other retirement income transfers.
Session 7: Children and Social Protection
- UNICEF. 2010. Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection.
- Yablonski, J. and M. O’Donnell. 2009. Lasting Benefits: The role of cash transfers in tackling child mortality.
- Porter, C. with P. Dornan. 2010. Social Protection and Children: A Synthesis of Evidence from Young Lives Longitudinal Research in Ethiopia, India and Peru.
Session 8: Disability
- Gooding, K. and A. Marriot. 2009. Including Persons with Disabilities in Social Cash Transfer Programmes in Developing Countries.
- Mitra, S. 2005. Disability and Social Safety Nets in Developing Countries.
- Schneider, M. et al. 2011. Because I am disabled I should get a grant: Including disability in social protection programmes.
Session 9: School Feeding
- Bundy, D. 2009. Rethinking School Feeding: Social Safety Nets, Child Development, and the Education Sector.
- Adelman, S. 2008. How effective are food education programs? A critical assessment of the evidence from developing countries.
Session 10: “Graduation” Programmes
- Hashemi, S. M. and A. de Montesquiou. 2011. Reaching the Poorest: Lessons from the Graduation Model.
- Krishna, A. et al. 2012. How Much Can Asset Transfers Help the Poorest? Evaluating the Results of BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Programme (2002-2008).
- Huda, K. 2011. ‘And Who Listens to the Poor?’ Shocks, Stresses and Safety Nets in India and Pakistan.
Session 11: Key Debates
a. Dependency & Graduation
- Huda, K. 2012. Graduating into a National Social Security System, not out of it.
- Devereux, S. 2010. Dependency and graduation. Frontiers of Social Protection Brief No. 5, RHVP publication: South Africa, Johannesburg.
- Sabates-Wheeler, R., Devereux, S. 2011. Transforming Livelihoods for Resilient Futures: How to Facilitate Graduation in Social Protection Programmes. Future Agricultures and Centre for Social Protection CSP Working Paper No. 023.
b. Human Rights & Social Protection
- Sepulveda, M. and Nyst, C. 2012. The Human Rights Approach to Social Protection.
- Piron, L. H. 2004. Rights-Based Approaches to Social Protection.
c. Economic Growth & Social Protection
- OECD. 2009. Policy Guidance Note: Social Protection- Social Protection, Poverty Reduction and Pro-Growth. In Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Employment and Social Protection.
- DFID. 2006. Social protection and economic growth in poor countries.
- Alderman, H. and R. Yemtsov. 2012. Productive Role of Social Protection: background paper for the World Bank 2012-2022 Social Protection and Labor Strategy.
- Sepulveda, M. and Nyst, C. 2012. The Human Rights Approach to Social Protection.
- Piron, L. H. 2004. Rights-Based Approaches to Social Protection.
d. Social Cohesion & Social Protection
- Ellis, F. 2008. We Are All Poor Here: Economic Difference, Social Divisiveness, and Targeting Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Sepulveda, M. and Nyst, C. 2012. The Human Rights Approach to Social Protection.
- Piron, L. H. 2004. Rights-Based Approaches to Social Protection.
e. Natural Resources
- Ellis, F. 2008. We Are All Poor Here: Economic Difference, Social Divisiveness, and Targeting Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Sepulveda, M. and Nyst, C. 2012. The Human Rights Approach to Social Protection.
- Piron, L. H. 2004. Rights-Based Approaches to Social Protection.
f. Social Protection & Nutrition
- Black RE et al. 2008. What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival.
- DFID. 2010. The Neglected Crisis of Undernutrition: DFID’s Strategy.
- Manley, J. 2012. How effective are cash transfer programmes at improving nutritional status: A Rapid Evidence Assessment of Programmes’ Effects on Anthropometric Outcomes.
- Nino-Zarazua, M. 2012. Social Transfers against poverty and malnutrition: what do we know about their effectiveness?
- World Bank. 2013. Improving nutrition through multisectoral approaches.
Session 12: Social Insurance
- Barr N. and P. Diamond. 2009. Reforming pensions: principles, analytical errors and policy directions.
- St John, S. and L. Willmore. 2001. Two Legs are Better than Three: New Zealand as a Model for Old Age Pensions.
Session 13: Social Protection in Developed Countries
- Dethier, J-J. 2009. Social Security: What Can Developing Countries Learn form Developed Countries? in The Poorest and Hungry: Assessments, Analyses, and Actions.
- De Neubourg, C. et al. 2007. Social Safety Nets and Targeted Social Assistance: Lessons from the European Experience.
- Townsend, P. 2007. The Right to Social Security and National Development: Lessons from OECD experience for low-income countries.
- Kidd, S. 2012. Child Poverty in OECD Countries: Lessons for Developing Countries.
- Whiteford, P and W. Adema. 2007. What Works Best in Reducing Child Poverty: A Benefit or Work Strategy?
- Barr N. and P. Diamond. 2009. Reforming pensions: principles, analytical errors and policy directions.
- St John, S. and L. Willmore. 2001. Two Legs are Better than Three: New Zealand as a Model for Old Age Pensions.
Session 14: Operational Issues
a. Management Information Systems
- Baldeon, C. and M. Arribas-Banos. 2008. Management Information Systems in Social Safety Net Programs: A Look at Accountability and Mechanisms.
- Barca, V. and R. Chirchir. 2014. Briefing: Integrated data and information management in social protection.
- Chirchir, R. and S. Kidd. 2011. Good Practice in the development of management information systems for social protection.
b. Monitoring & Evaluation
- DFID. 2012. Evaluating social transfer programmes: Guidance for DFID country offices.
c. Value for Money
- Hodges, A., P. White and M. Greenslade. 2011. Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes.
d. Delivery of Cash
- Sridharan, V. 2012. Enhancing the Impact of Cash Tranfers: The Latest Trends toward Savings-Linked Social Protection.
- Bankable Frontier Associates. 2008. Promoting Financial Inclusion Through Social Transfer Schemes.
- Vincent, K. 2010. Electronic delivery of social cash transfers: Lessons learned and opportunities for Africa.
- Gelb, A. and C. Decker. 2011. Cash at Your Fingertips: Biometric Technology for Transfers in Resource-Rich Countries.
- Leonard, M. 2011. G2P: Expanding Financial Inclusion in the Pacific – Fiji’s Transfer of Social Welfare Recipients to a Savings-linked Electronic Payment System.
Session 15: Overviews of Regions
a. Africa
- Ellis, F. 2010. Social Protection in Africa: where are we, and how did we get here?.
- Devereux, S. and R. Cipryk. 2009. Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Regional Review.
- Samson, M. et al. 2006. Social Grants in South Africa.
b. Asia
c. Pacifistic
- AusAID. 2012. Pacific Social Protection Series.