1. 大学院
英国サセックス大学 – 開発学研究所(IDS)
2. プログラム
3. コース
4. リーディングリスト
セッション1: 暴力的紛争の原因ときっかけ
- Collier, Paul and Hoeffler, Anke. 2004. Greed and Grievance in Civil War.
セッション2: 暴力的紛争の家計と人的資本に対する影響
- Justino, Patricia. 2010. War and violence.
- Justino, Patricia. 2009. Poverty and Violent Conflict: A Micro-Level Perspective on the Causes and Duration of Warfare.
- Wood, Elisabeth J. 2006. The Ethical Challenges of Field Research in Conflict Zones.
セッション3: 暴力的紛争下・後の家計レベルでの対処法
- Justino, Patricia. 2009. Poverty and Violent Conflict: A Micro-Level Perspective on the Causes and Duration of Warfare.
- Humphreys, Macartan & Jeremy Weinstein. 2008. Who Fights? The Determinants of Participation in Civil War.
セッション4: 暴力的紛争下の地方自治と家計
- Mampilly, Z. 2011. Introduction: Governing Rebels. in Rebel Rulers: Insurgent Governance and Civilian Life During War.
- Justino, Patricia. 2013. Research and Policy Implications from a Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence and Development. in A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence and Development.
セッション5: 生計と紛争
- Collinson, Sarah. 2003. Power, Livelihoods and Conflict.
- Scoones, Ian. 2009. Livelihoods perspectives and rural development.
- De Waal, A. 2009. Do IDPs have an urban future?
- Lind, J. et al. 2012. Programming for secure livelihoods amid uncertainty: trends and directions in livelihoods, nutrition and food security in Darfur.
- UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sudan. 2010. Beyond emergency relief: longer-term trends and priorities for UN agencies in Darfur.
セッション6: 都市部における暴力
- Muggah, Robert. 2012. Researching the Urban Dilemma: Urbanization, Poverty and Violence.
- Gupte, Jaideep. 2012. What’s civil about intergroup violence? Five inadequacies of communal and ethnic constructs of urban riots.
- Gupte, Jaideep. 2012. The agency and governance of urban battlefields: How riots alter our understanding of adequate urban living.
- Gupte, Jaideep. 2012. Extralegal security and policing for the urban dispossessed in Mumbai. in Urbanizing Citizenship: Contested Spaces in Indian Cities.
5. 全般
Justino, Patricia. 2010. War and Poverty.
Blattman, C., and Miguel, E. 2010. Civil war.
6. 参考
Reading Lists Online – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)