1. 大学院
英国サセックス大学 – 開発学研究所(IDS)
2. プログラム
3. コース
4. リーディングリスト
セッション1: 導入
- Levin, Morten. 2007. Varieties of Human Inquiry: Collaborative, Action, Self-reflective and Cooperative. in Introduction to action research: social research for social change.
- Bradbury, Hilary. 2001. Conclusion: Broadening the Bandwidth of Validity: Issues and choice points for improving quality in action research. in Handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice.
セッション2: 研究倫理と関係性
- Newton, Esther. 1996. My best informant’s dress: the erotic equation in the field. in Out in the Field: reflections of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists.
- Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 1995. ‘The Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology.
セッション3: パラダイムとアプローチ
- Reason, P. and W. R. Torbert. 2001. The action turn: toward a transformative social science.
- Reason, P. and J. Heron. undated. A short guide to cooperative inquiry.
- Levin, Morten. 2007. An epistemological foundation for action research. in Introduction to action research: social research for social change.
- Reason, P. 2002. Editorial Introduction: The Practice of Cooperative Inquiry.
- Lincoln, Yvonna S. 2011. Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences Revisited. in The SAGE handbook of qualitative research.
- Mikkelsen, Britha. 2005. Different Types of Development Studies – Purpose, Methods and Design. in Methods for development work and research: a new guide for practitioners.
セッション4: 文脈と設問
- Punch , Keith F. 2005. Some Central Issues. in Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.
- Rossman, Gretchen B. 2011. The What of the study: Building the conceptual framework. in Designing qualitative research.
セッション5: 設問構成
- Punch, Keith F. 2005. Research Questions. in Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.
- Boolsen, Merete Watt. 2005. Different Types of Development Studies: Purpose, Methods and Designs. in Methods for development work and research: a new guide for practitioners.
- Humphrey, J. and Navas-Alemán, L. 2009. Multinational Value Chains, Small and Medium Enterprises, and ‘Pro-Poor’ Policies: A Review of Donor Practice.
- Edwards, M.. 2011. The Role and Limitations of Philanthropy.
セッション6: 方法論I
- Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P. 2007. Field Relations. in Ethnography: Principles in Practice.
Mullett, J. 2013. Presentational Knowing: Bridging Experience and Expression with Art, Poetry and Song. in The SAGE handbook of action research : participative inquiry and practice.
セッション7: 方法論II
- Lincoln, Yvonna S. 2012. The Observation of Participation and the Emergence of Public Ethnography. in Strategies of qualitative inquiry.
- Barbre, Joy Webster. 1989. Interpreting women’s lives: feminist theory and personal narratives.
- Harding, D. 2005. Stories of Change: The Sugar Campaign for Change (SUCAM) Kenya. An inside history of success and continuing struggle.
- Gaventa, John, McGee, Rosemary. 2004. Unpacking Policy: Actors, Knowledge and Spaces. in Unpacking policy: knowledge, actors and spaces in poverty reduction in Uganda and Nigeria.
5. 全般
6. 参考
Reading Lists Online – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)