1. 大学院
英国サセックス大学 – 開発学研究所(IDS)
2. プログラム
3. コース
援助と貧困 – 国際開発援助における政治経済学(2013年~2014年)
4. リーディングリスト
セッション1: 開発援助の変遷
- Barder, Owen. 2011. Can Aid Work? Written Testimony Submitted to the House of Lords.
- Guillaumont, Patrick. 2009. Aid Effectiveness and Poverty Reduction: Macroeconomic Overview And Emerging Issues.
セッション2: 譲許性とオーナーシップ
- Sumner, Andy . 2012. Where Will the World’s Poor Live? An Update on Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion.
- Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation. 2011. ‘Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.
OECD & World Bank. 2006. Integrating Global Partnership Programs with Country-led National Programs: Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations. - Sridhar, Devi & Tamashiro, Tami. 2010. Vertical Funds in the Health Sector: Lessons for Education from the Global Fund and GAVI.
セッション3: 開発援助における新興ドナーと静かな変革
- Kragelund, Peter. 2011. ‘Back to BASICs? The Rejuvenation of Non-traditional Donors’ Development Cooperation with Africa.
- Walz, Julie & Ramachandran, Vijaya. 2011. Brave New World: A Literature Review of Emerging Donors and the Changing Nature of Foreign Assistance.
セッション4: 開発援助 – アイデア、権力、変遷
- Jenkins, R. 2006. Where development meets history.
セッション5: 援助と貧困 – 人道支援
- Keen, David. 2008. Aid (Pages 116 – 148). In Complex emergencies.
- UK Government. 2011. Humanitarian Emergency Response Review.
セッション6: 民間セクターと開発
- Humphrey, J. and Navas-Alemán, L. 2009. Multinational Value Chains, Small and Medium Enterprises, and ‘Pro-Poor’ Policies: A Review of Donor Practice.
- Edwards, M.. 2011. The Role and Limitations of Philanthropy.
5. 全般
6. 参考
Reading Lists Online – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)