Melissa Leach posted her first article as a Director of Institute of Development Studies.
April 2014
Open Data Matter Open Government?
The Guardian seems to argue that open governments open more data to the public. Does it happen?
Aid, Growth and Poverty in the Changing Global Market
The lecture of Finn Tarp on Aid, Growth and Poverty in the Changing Global Market is now available.
Africa 2050: Realising the Potential
What will Africa look like in 2050? To realise the pleasant future, what do we need to do today?
Remembering Whose Reality Counts
Ashley Kuchanny, IDS alumni ambassador for the UK, reports on the IDS Impact Evaluation Design course.
Is Aid Really Dead?
It has been four years since Dambisa Moyo published a sensational book, “Dead Aid”.
UNPEC Declares Poverty is Now Over
UNPEC announces global poverty has ended thanks to the Cash for All the Poor programme (CFAP).